28.3.2022 - Am. South Barrule 483m, Isle of Man (Marilyn).
A cloudier day than normal but anything dry is good. A moderate walk up South Barrule which at 483m is a nice little Marilyn in the southern central part of the Island. Nice views and a good leg stretch. Followed up with a second hike to do the trig point on Cronk Ny Arrey Laa and a quick visit to Peel Castle. Nice day out with some atmospheric photos.
Parking: Huge car park at the coffee cottage cafe/adventure centre at the start point.
Route: I followed an ‘Outdooractive’ route on navigate for the first time. Follow the gpx track through the forest and up the hill and you won’t go far wrong. It’s all on good tracks or trails. After the nice trig pointed summit of Barrule there is a good trail down the other side but I decided to also take in the Barrule Beg just north of the quarry. There was a bit of off piste grass work here but it was not too bad. Skirt the edge of the quarry on a track on the way down but half way down, as your looking back up on the quarry, I turned right through a wooden gate. My route through here was a bit rough, not that bad but I would suggest following the track all the way down to the road and walk along the road back to the start point.
Route Statistics: 9ks, 320m height gain done in 2hrs 15min.
Ascent Entry on Peakbagger: South Barrule Ascent Entry on Outdooractive
GPX files: For gpx files click on the below.
Information Sheets
Photos of the hike and other information.
28.3.2022 - Pm. Cronk Ney Arrey La, 437m (Trig Point).
A cloudier day than normal but anything dry is good. A moderate walk up South Barrule which at 483m is a nice little Marilyn in the southern central part of the Island. Nice views and a good leg stretch. Followed up with a second hike to do the trig point on Cronk Ny Arrey Laa and a quick visit to Peel Castle. Nice day out with some atmospheric photos.
Parking: There is parking on a bad corner at the start point. There is a small road going off the main road. Room for a couple of cars.
Route: Straight up and down route on well trodden footpaths. Follow the gpx trail.
Route Statistics: 2ks, 100m height gain done in 22mins.
Ascent Entry on Outdooractive
GPX files: For gpx files click on the below.

Cronk Ney Arrey La trig point.