Watch Hill 254m, Cockermouth (Marilyn).
The weather is so unsettled at the moment I decided to just blast up a Marilyn near Cockermouth as it was all lonely up there in the top end of the Lake District. No summit point, just a nice little hill. Started out in T shirt once again and ended up in full waterproofs in less than an hour and a half.
Parking: Car park at start point with a free quirky disc parking system. You get a disc from a local shop and display it. 3 hours max. No height restrictions.
Route: Bit of pavement at the start and end otherwise just an unmaintained path across fields. No summit marking. Nice views and a nice walk.
Route Statistics: A not hanging about 8.1km with 230m of height gain done in 1hr 23min.
Info sheets
The route and top.